maMERLOT: Mobile Apps MERLOT. Image of student using a mobile device.

MERLOT is a worldwide community of people teaching, learning and working on improving all aspects of education. Millions have used MERLOT and over 166,000 are registered members (It's FREE).

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Level of Contributions

Gold Medal Gold Level(70+ pts)

Silver Medal Silver Level(30-69 pts)

Bronze Medal Bronze Level(10-29 pts)

Contributor Medal Contributor(1-9 pts)

Role in MERLOT

Virtual Speakers Bureau Member badge Virtual Speakers Bureau Member
Learning Materials Author badge Learning Material Author
MERLOT Peer Reviewer badge MERLOT Peer Reviewer
Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT) reviewer Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT) reviewer

Annual MERLOT Awards

Volunteer of the Year badge Volunteer of the Year
Distinguished Service badge Distinguished Service
Innovative use of MERLOT badge Innovative Use Of MERLOT
Institutional Stewardship of MERLOT badge Institutional Stewardship
MERLOT house cup badge MERLOT House Cup

ADD Mobile Apps You're Using or Created Into MERLOT

Are you using free mobile apps in your teaching or your learning? Have you created free mobile apps ? We invite you to catalog these mobile apps in MERLOT. Your colleagues and students around the world will thank you!


First: Become a member of MERLOT (It will take about 2 minutes and it’s FREE).

Second: Fill out the online form to Contribute a Material. If you're not logged into MERLOT, it will ask you to log in. If you're not a member of MERLOT, you'll need to register- It's FREE. Contributing a material takes about 2 minutes the first time. You can watch a video on MERLOT's YouTube channel with instructions on how to add materials to the MERLOT library.

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